Tuesday, August 12, 2008

08.09.08... a beautiful day.

... i was not the photographer at mandy and quinn's wedding, but i brought my little sony point and shoot camera to capture a few moments. these were two of my favorites...

Friday, August 8, 2008

we dance on grasses...

... there is going to be a wedding saturday in la conner... my lovely lady friend mandolin is the bride... we celebrated this evening, just the two of us, with a couple of feather boas and my pretty nikon... the following are my two favorite images because i can see her happiness so purely... thank you mandolin for letting me be a part of this beautiful journey, and for allowing me to stick my big camera in your pretty face...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

august evenings

...i have fallen in love with august this year.

the first dressing...

...this was the first dressing of the streets in la conner...
(thank you to stephen for the super fast tie tying lesson, and mike and nancy for the red shoes)

all images contained in this blog ©2008 marika garland (All Rights Reserved)

somewhere... there was a beginning to all of this...

... i was born just outside of this small town, in a bed, in a room, in a house at the bottom of a gravel road named after my family.

this blog is my story of why i love this place, and all of its memories...

all images contained in this blog ©2008 marika garland (All Rights Reserved)